Friday, June 19, 2009

Dating..the rules have changed

Don't wear something sexy, you might get raped. Don't flirt, he might not ask you out again. Don't come on time, he might think you are cheap, easy to get. Dating rules. You've heard about them. You've followed not a few of them. But hey, its now the era of high technology and information overload. The rules have changed, so check these out before you go out on a date!

Dress up, Dress down.What you wear does not really determine whether you'd be a victim of date rape. Rape is rape. Someone who wants to force himself on you will do it. He will do it the moment he gets an oppurtunity to do it - whether you are in a nun's habit or two-piece bikini.

Know yourself, who you are, what you stand for. Then choose the best style of clothing that expresses you. that's your style. Stick to it. Be known and remembered for it. But this does not mean you should not follow what's in fashion. There's always a way you can twist what's trendy to suit your style. Dress it up or dress it down. You have a choice. Choose and be confident about your choice.

If you have confidence, it will show and it will make you attractive.

Collect, then select. Your grandma, your mom, and your dad told you this. Don't show you are to date. Don't come cheap.

The new rule is this-know as many guys as you can. Go out with different kinds of guys, even those who are not your type. Who knows, the one you think is such a lemon might turn out to be a diamond!

It's not about the guy. It's about you. You can end up with Mr. Right if you are Ms. Right in the first place. Oftentimes, you focus on the traits of men, forgetting about yours. Do you know good manners and right conduct? Do you mind your manners? Are you courteous? Are you kind? Do you swear a lot? Do you argue a lot? How's your sense of humor? Are you fun to be with? Yes it's all about you - whether you are a great date ora dull one. The new rule is realy an old, time-tested rule - BE LOVABLE!


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